Every encounter helps construct the brand.
It includes both visual and verbal experiences. It also refers to style, views of life, opinions and solidarity. A brand concept is a tool, which concretizes the strategy and brings together those with the same set of values behind common goals. It tells about the company’s quality level and the ways it acts.
Visual brand identity
The brand concept takes a stand on what tools and based on what kind of message the brand is built on. It visualizes the company’s look, tools and practices. It takes a stand on the way the company speaks, takes a stand and participates. At the same time, it improves the company’s recognizability.
A good brand concept will ensure faster development of the company through verbal and visual communication with the target audience. It speeds up everyday communication and optimizes resource allocation without having to constantly redesign.

The visual external appearance of the company and its products must share the same language with the company’s brand and strategic plan. Colours, shapes and materials summarise the company’s philosophy to customers. In addition to understanding consumption trends, the purpose of the design is to increase their usability and functionality. Excellent design creates long-term solutions while compiling a complete picture of operations.
Managing marketing communication
The success of plans is determined by daily actions. Active marketing communication and continuous development are integral parts of brand management. The smooth progress of projects and good relationships with partners in different areas of operations guarantee that objectives are met in all areas – from the digital environment to stands at fairs and successful international communication projects.

Contact information
+358 40 676 0379
Rauhankatu 1 B 13
FI-00170 Helsinki
Hammarby Allé 157
SE-12065 Stockholm
Landgent Bldg 5/F, Block A
Landgent Center No.20
East Middle 3rd Ring Road
Chaoyang District
100020 Beijing
15/F, Plaza 66, No.1266
West Nanjing Road
JiangAn District
200040 Shanghai